
Clea Bierman is an emerging memoirist and fashion & lifestyle journalist from San Diego, CA. For five years, she worked as a red carpet and nightlife reporter for Bauer Media, contributing to In Touch, Life & Style and Closer Weekly magazines. In this position, Clea attended exclusive events and worked “undercover” in Hollywood nightclubs, reporting on A-list celebrities and breaking headlines. As Features Editor at Cool Hunt Inc., a freelance agency, Clea utilized her writing and interview expertise to earn bylines in international editions of the major fashion magazines, including Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. She is currently a regular contributor to Loop Magazine, a Los Angeles lifestyle publication.

Clea’s nonfiction work has appeared in [PANK], The Los Angeles Review, Pithead Chapel, and Medium’s Human Parts. Her fiction can be found in Pink Panther Magazine.

Clea holds a Bachelor of Arts from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Memoir from Hunter College. She lives in Los Angeles where she works in social/economic justice with a focus on Digital Communications and Social Media Marketing. Clea also writes an independent travel, food, and relationship blog called Doses.